Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My night time visitor

Here is a little visitor I found on my bathroom floor... he was quite aggressive and his diameter was larger than a silver dollar. The next night we found another spider in the dining area - again quite aggressive - so much that I killed him before taking a photo. He looked like a giant tick - same sort of body shape. Any spider experts out there? let me know what you think. I think I will start wearing my shoes in the house!!!


  1. Seems to be a Huntsman spider, also known as a rain spider in southern Africa. They can be pretty aggressive, especially the females when they are guarding their nests. Check to see if the legs are jointed vertically or not; if the legs joint at a slant thus causing the spider to resemble a crab, then it's a Hunstman. The fact that you described it as looking like a giant tick definitely suggests that's what it is. Their venom is not a danger to humans -- just the usual swelling, soreness, and maybe mild nausea, so if one of the little buggers ambushes you, don't worry too much about it.

  2. I looked up some photos and yes, I think it is a Huntsman (for sure the second spider, the one we didn't get a picture of!). Thanks for your help! I will still try to avoid an ambush!
