Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mebble and Leslie leave

We spent Wednesday morning at the airport. Mebble Maseko (for those of you in the know about Anne and her sisters, Maggie and Eddah) is one of the Maseko sisters. She got a 4 year scholarship to Kansas City Baptist Seminary. She just got her student Visa this past Monday, so is flying back to the US with Leslie. Worked out very well, as she had not been on a plane since she was a child. She and sister Wezzie came and spent the night with us, and we took them all to the airport. Her father, Peter, met us there. Unfortunately due to the rapid sequence of events, the rest of the family could not be there. However, she will be greeted when she arrives in Dallas by my Mandy and two of her sisters. The first photo is of Wezzie, Mebble and Peter. As you can tell from the jackets, this morning was pretty cool! The second photo is of Wezzie, Mebble (on the phone to her Mom), Leslie and Peter. We will miss Mebble here, but look forward to seeing her stateside. She will do well in school, I am sure.

1 comment:

  1. woow, this so sweet, they all look great.
    We are looking forward to seeing Mebble. Praise be to God, He is so good, so sweet, and so faithful. Its all about Him.
