Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Restaurant, ABC community clinic and Visiting Mtsilitza

Sunday we ate out at Kiboko Hotel restaurant - see the photo. Sunday evening Mandy got sick and stayed sick until this morning. Karri now seems to be coming down with the same African stomach bug. I am praying that Karri is well by the morning and that I don't get it!  Joseph arrived yesterday in the afternoon. The girls stayed home while I went to the airport. Our old friend and translator, Charles, now is a 'driver' and he drove me to the airport.  Joseph is recovering from his long journey pretty quickly.

Today, Tuesday, we started the day at the ABC clinic. Joseph had brought more supplies (a big THANK YOU to Hamilton Hospital and our contacts in Olney who have been great in helping with medical supplies!)  He also did a brief intro for the nurses with the 'new' EKG machine. Mandy met Lewis, the  radiology tech at ABC.  She enjoyed the chat with him and seeing equipment that is AMAZINGLY antiquated but still working!! Most of that is due to the hard work and intelligence of Lewis! 

We also visited the orphan feeding village of Mtsilitza, sponsored by Children of the Nations (COTN). We first stopped by their country office, and I got to chat with my old friend, Henry. We then proceded to the village.  The children are out on holiday, but still show up for lunch. We arrived at ~11 AM and did not stay for the chaos that is lunch!  The ladies that are in charge of cooking the food were waiting and showed us the food storage area and the menu.  We attracted a small group of kids and were able to actually interact a little with them. One of my sponsored 'kids' (although he is now a young man), Alex, was in the village and came to visit for a bit.  As we were leaving the village, the buses pulled up with another old friend, Davie. They were taking some of the older kids to a camp. Mandy noticed that the kids getting on the bus to go to camp for a few days were not taking any bags, any change of clothes, or any toiletries.

Tomorrow we do our first village clinic. We will be going to Gusu. The last clinic there (last month) was two days and they saw about 1000 people. This could be a long, long day.  I will try to keep everyone updated.

Karri and Mandy at Kiboko Restaurant.
 Mandy in the Xray suite at ABC
 Mandy and Lewis with the processor in the radiology department
 The cooking ladies at Mtsilitza
 Donna and a little girl named Ivy
 Karri and kids
 Donna and Alex
Leaving the village.
 Joseph with two little guys - the one on the right is Wilson, the other one is ???
Mandy with Wilson.

Prayer requests -
healing for the girls and 'non spread' of the bug to Joseph and I.
Safety for ourselves and our patients at Gusu tomorrow.


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