Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kantambo Village Clinic

Wednesday we left early to go to Kantambo village to have a clinic there. It is in area 44 of Lilongwe - sort of a suburb of the city ('sort of' being the operative word). The clinic was set up in the Assembly of God church - the same area where Joseph helped build a tabernacle yesterday. We took two cars, Joseph, Katie, Sue, Carson, Esnet ('Essie' an ABC student who was my interpretor), Charles (Joseph's interpretor) and Kristin (the student who has been shadowing Carson this summer.) We arrived and set up 'shop'. The pastor found an additional two interpretors and we were ready to go. I have no idea how many people we saw, but we had to turn away people at the end of the day. We had two pregnant ladies - did sonograms on them; an infected foot that we think had a piece of wood buried in it (we were not able to get it out), wounds and ulcers to clean and treat and a large sebaceous cyst that we opened up. Lots of kids. Lots of coughs, colds, abdominal pain and rashes. A few chest pains with high blood pressure, some assorted other medical illnesses and a case of rickets - no, that was not my diagnosis, but it was already recorded in her health passport. I had never seen a case present like her, but when I came home and did some internet research I found pictures that looked like the ones I took! For those of you who wonder - 'did my donations do any good?' I have included pictures. Without your support, your donation of supplies, medications and money, this would not have happened. Thank you again to all my supporters. I am especially thankful to Susan and Marvin, who each gave medications and ointments and to Sue Kline and Jeanie Carden who each gave a generous cash donation. I pray that the Lord will bless you all as much as He blessed those people today with a clinic. And a special thanks to Dan Hamilton of Dan's Smoke House beef jerky who supplied the beef jerky that was our lunch today! We think of all of you often and keep you all in our prayers, as we know that your sacrifical giving has allowed us to do what we are doing. We are blessed to have ALL of our donors and prayer partners in 'our' corner!

Thanksgiving / Praise: support from wonderful donors and prayer partners, travel safety as we went through the areas of Lilongwe that were hardest hit by the riots, for continued health of our team, for returning home to power and to have water until we all showered!

Prayer requests - that those people we touched today realize we are a small representation of the love of Christ, for fuel, for continued opportunities to serve.

Outside the church where we set up the clinic
Joseph with Charles in the foreground, the 'pharmacy' in the background
Essie, my translator
Child with infected rash on her face
Ankle ulcer since early 2000s due to burn - she has been unable to get antibiotics or ointments - we had them!
Rickets in a young girl
Untreated, long standing ear infection - we had medicine for him!
Joseph and a very cute little patient!
Another infected rash
Katie, Robin (translator) and Kristin as they prepare to set up triage
Sue and Carson setting up the pharmacy
Photo from last night, a very tired Gaylord and Joseph!

I cannot adequately express to all of our supporters how much we appreciate you! You guys have made this possible, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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