Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Saturday!!

Greetings from beautiful Malawi. We have had a great, great day. First of all, our young patient, Jonas, with the burns, is doing so much better! We saw him twice today. He is not only healing, but he is eating, has been playing with the toys, and has been outside enjoying the campus. His Dad filled us in on more of his history. It sounds like he might have had some congenital problem or a birth injury, as he has never been able to fully extend his arms. He started having seizures at age two for no known reason, and he has had many 'fall in cooking fire' burns. His dad pointed out the large scar on Jonas' leg, and said he had been in hospital and then instructed how to care for the wound. It seems that if the dad could have soap, ointments and bandaging supplies he can care for Jonas. He does have water near his hut. We are thrilled that Jonas is doing so much better! He was pretty miserable when we brought him in.
We went to the new shopping center across from Shoprite (for all of you who have been in Malawi). It has a Game (like a Walmart, in a very African kind of way), a Spar (grocery), some smaller shops and a couple 'fast food' places. Of course, the Spar had only whole chickens today, and again no sugar. We did buy a jerry-can at Game for petrol. As we were leaving, we saw the delivery truck with the mattresses coming in. Too funny - see the photo! We found petrol (before we bought the jerry can) and topped off the car, we were able to cook an elaborate meal with power and water the entire time. We made chicken enchiladas - from scratch, including the tortillas, -salsa and guacamole. What a feast! We had enough for us tonight and tomorrow, plus plenty to share with our guard.
This was a very good day!
Pictures: the new shopping center, with Spar in the first photo and Game in the second. The truck has mattresses strapped on the bed. Joseph with dinner on the table (he is quite the tortilla maker!), and lastly a close up of the enchiladas.
We have heard from Wezzie (Anne's sister in Salima) - the container for the clinic in Salima has not arrived, they think it is in Mozambique. We may try to get down to Salima this coming Tuesday to visit the Masekos and see the clinic. However, without the container and the medical equipment and supplies I do not think it can be opened. Pray that the container will make it's way to Salima!
Thanks for all your prayers.

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