Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Relationships: that is what life is about. Relationships with family, with friends, with the Lord. Here in Malawi I have been blessed to meet many amazing people. Some are working everyday for the Glory of the Lord, some are still in school and preparing to do the same. All of these are treasures that God has shared with me. In our 'rushing around', especially in America, we often don't take time to enjoy and cherish these treasures. Sunday, we had dinner with a very special family, the Msukwa family. If you keep up with this blog or on Facebook, you know Charles as the 'coordinator of everything'.  He and his sweet wife, Erita, along with two of his children, Praise and Ruth, and a nephew. Chewemwe, came to dinner Sunday evening.  It was a most enjoyable evening. Earlier in the day, Robert (Mr. Whiskas son) and his family came so that I could take photos. Monday (after renewing my medical certificate), Joey and I had lunch with Sean Kampondeni. He is such a smart, smart guy, with a real heart for the youth of Lilongwe. He has wonderful insight into the struggles that even the Christian youth are facing in the day and age. We ended the evening was a fabulous dinner with Michelle Clark and her growing family. Her Mom, Pat, lives with her. She is helped by Dorris. However, Michelle has also taken in two young girls. One, Awema (age 8), has apparently had a terrible life due to some mental issues. She was thrown out by her mother (who reportedly also tried to kill her), she was starved and abused in who-knows how many ways, and was thought to be deaf. When we came ~6 weeks ago, the child was almost animal like in her responses to things. Michelle has been educating her (private teachers), along with sign language, got her hearing tested (which did not work so well because of her behavior or lack there of), has kept her safe, clean, warm and fed. She has introduced her to music. Also helpful is the presence of another little village girl, Christina, who was also starving. Her mother had repeatedly asked Michelle to take her in (complicated story) and she is now at Michelle's, getting love, food and stimulation. The girls seem to really be good for each other. Doesn't every child have a right to a safe home, where there is love given freely? Last night, it was obvious Awema has made great progress and is NOT deaf, as she is responding to English words, listening to music, interacting with Christina and giving huge hugs to some of the adults. Michelle has a long road ahead, but as she wisely says 'this is God's project'. Michelle is a saint!  And little Christina is a doll; I just wish we had a video of her signing and singing 'Jesus Loves Me'.  We were not the only guests at Michelle's for dinner. Perry Jansen and family came, too, and it was wonderful to have some time with them. After 16 years in Africa, they are headed to the US. However, Perry (Founder of Partners in Hope) will continue to work with Partners from the US, concentrating on his vision of a full fledged hospital by the current Partners in Hope building. He is man with great dreams and big visions. If anyone can get this done, it will be Perry in partnership with the Lord!  We all had a great time. Enjoy the photos.

Robert and his wife, with little Bridgette (posing as a model) and Owen (who was not happy about the azungu taking photos!

The Msukwa family: Little Ruth next to Charles, Erita in the back and Praise behind Ruth.

Joey Swartz with Awema (with her phone / camera) and Christina.
Some cuddle time with Michelle and Christina.

Christina. What a beautiful child, in so many ways. Very loving. She has had a hard life, but has a gentle spirit. She is 4 years old.

Grandma Pat.

Michelle with Awema and Christina.

Awema giving Dr. Perry Jansen a big hug!!


Here we are (except Grandma Pat - already off to bed), Dorris and Joey, taking the photos. From the left - Christina, me, Michelle, Erin Jansen, Brenda Jansen, Awema (clutching my camera, which happened almost all night long - thankfully Joey took photos with her phone!), Perry Jansen and Olivia Jansen.

Michelle Clark and her Mom, Pat Clark (known to all of us as Grandma Pat).

Thanks to all who take the time to read and pray for us. The rest of this week is clinic 'heavy' and I hope to be able to find some time to post some photos. Next Sunday afternoon we will go back to Pothawira for a few days.
Remember, pick your relationships wisely, build them diligently, pray for them fervently and cherish them with all of your heart. 

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